Wednesday 28 May 2008

Coffin bar is no more!

Having left Dubrovnic, we lost one of the teachers car's. The extra weight was just too much, exhaust was loose and dragging, so the bar had to go! On way to Albania now. :-D

No time to blog!

Lost a car from the convoy yesterday, spending lots of time on the road, off to Albania today. To keep up to date with what's happening, visit (they're much better at blogging than us!)

Monday 26 May 2008

More motorways!

German police! Not our friends we was banned from Germany! Went to neutral Switzerland instead! Only another 400 miles detour.!!
Left us with 14 hour drive to Zagreb. On way to Sarajevo, Bosnia today. :-D Now sunny, 33 degrees in hearse, windows down doing 75! Hopefully we will see a city in daylight today!

Monday 19 May 2008

A mad mad time

OK, less than a week to go! What a mad weekend, been hard to post here recently as every waking moment seems to have been hearse, work and relationship stuff!

Anyway, after a very very long weekend, with very very very few hours sleep, we are just about ready to go!

The Hearse now boasts:

  • A Fully working bar, with beer from real beer taps! :D

  • Lager on Tap!

  • Water/soft drink on tap that is pumped!

  • A Fully functional electric shower, for those hot dusty drives when we just want to cool off!

  • 240V AC. Yep, bar now has a smoothie maker for those non-alcoholic stops offs en-route!

  • A roof mounted video camera for those "looking" shots as we drive by......

  • A "covert" ground rush video camera for that Playstation look and feel! :D

  • Enough LEDs to satisfy a small town's Christmas illuminations

  • A fridge, to keep those cans cool on the long days of driving.

  • A split-load, time-delayed power system to charge all the car batteries!

  • Go Faster stripes and bunch of other stuff....

  • And finally but not at all least......Darth Vader - to help us on our journey to the Dark Side!

Must not forget to mention the metres and metres of cable that we are now carrying and bunch of rather dodgy circuits built to run half this stuff!

We still have a lot to do, including all planning, all "holiday" stuff that I have not even started to think about and generally everything else that has had to wait of the last few months and weeks in particular!

Thanks to everyone that that has donated to our charity War Child, we will update this blog as we go! Check back soon. And again, thanks to everyone for all helping, donating and dealing with our stressed out levels.

Still time to donate go to

Sunday 18 May 2008

Hearse glow!

Old pic! Wait till you see the other mobile posts!

Saturday 22 March 2008

Hearse No.2....

Its been a long day but a couple of weeks later.... we have Hearse No2!

OK, this time we made sure it had an MOT! SO no nasty Windscreen bills to stop this one going to Corfu!

Its a bit of wreck, but drives ok and has just done a nice 120+ Miles today getting back.

We dont have anywhere to store 2 of these things, so I left a nice Easter present for my folks on their driveway! Good job the're are not home, we just need to get it taxed and shifted before they see it! :-)

Check it out "No2", parked in an Oxford M40 service station!

Next Job....Service and do the running repairs... then onto the mini bar! or will it be a maxi bar? Sound System and Finally - Oh Yeah "Technology"........ Only time will tell....

Sunday 16 March 2008

Its a start!

Been saying we'd set this up for too long, now its done!

OK, what have we been doing?

Well we decided back last October to do the Dumball Rally in 2008. This event is for WarChild a very worthy charity, all costs to take part are being met by ourselves and we would like you all to donate to WarChild via our JustGiving page.

Someone, Trick (I think) suggested we should do something mad like take a Hearse! So after several months of failing to get one we finally got one a couple of weeks back....but.....

The hearse is not so well, its running and a fault with the alternator is fixed, but we have a crack in the screen and getting a new one is looking too expensive!

We'll have to wait and see what happens next!

Anyway, we also now have a donation page, so plesae donate as much or little as you can afford for WarChild, to access our page please click me.

Dumball 07 Trailer

Check out the trailer from Dumball 07 here